Friday, May 8, 2009

Elizabeth Edwards: Courage

Congratulations to Elizabeth Edwards for her courage in writing Resilience: Reflections on the Burdens and Gifts of Facing Life's Adversities, just released by Broadway Books.

Elizabeth has faced with strength the major crises that women fear:
--loss of a child
--breast cancer
--her husband's infidelity
--a parent's long terminal illness.

She also decided to bear two more children, at ages 48 and 50. That's courage!

And she has shared with us her private thoughts on these experiences twice, in this newest book and in Saving Graces: Finding Solace and Strength from Friends and Strangers (2006).

I admire her courage tremendously, especially her choice to be open about her reflections after John Edwards' affair and her decision to work to repair the marriage.

Unlike Hilary Clinton and Elizabeth Edwards, I'd leave an unfaithful man very quickly. But I want to understand their choices, and Elizabeth has given us all the gift of an inside look at them.

Perhaps it's the urgency of death that prompts her to make this last extravagant gift.

Thank you, Elizabeth. I will rush out to buy your book.

Read the review in the Los Angeles Times or see her interviews on NPR and on Oprah.,0,5029044.story

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