Friday, April 3, 2009

Both Muslim and Christian--A Priest's Story

Thank you to my sister Emily McColl who sent me the link to this story on CNN:

Ann Holmes Redding, an Episcopal priest for nearly 30 years, added Muslim faith to her life three years ago, and now she has been defrocked as a priest.

Since the word "Islam" means "submission to God," one could certainly claim allegiance to Jesus as Messiah while also deciding to live "in Islam."

Most Muslims do not see Jesus as God, but perhaps Redding continues to believe in the Trinity. We need to dialogue with her and find out where she is on some of the differences between the two religions.

Historically in early Christianity and in the Muslim world today, there are varying beliefs related to these faiths but not accepted by the mainstream. For example, there were the Montanist Christians and there is Sevener (Isma'ili) Islam, as well as the Druze in Lebanon.

Redding represents a new kind of ecumenicity--let's see where it goes.

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